Fascism on the Rise: Biden Contemplating Declaring a National Climate Emergency


In recent news, speculation has been swirling around the possibility of President Joe Biden declaring a national climate emergency. This move, if made, would give the government extensive powers to combat the growing threat of climate change. However, many conservatives are sounding the alarm, labeling this potential decision as a dangerous step towards fascism.

First and foremost, the idea of a national climate emergency goes against everything that our country stands for. The very foundation of America is built on the principles of individual freedom and limited government intervention. Yet, here we have a president who is considering using the excuse of climate change to exert more control over our lives. This is a clear violation of our constitutional rights and a slippery slope towards a totalitarian regime.

Furthermore, it is no secret that the left has been pushing their radical climate agenda for years. They have used fear tactics and emotional manipulation to push their narrative, but it is all a ploy to gain more power. And now, with the Biden administration in control, they see an opportunity to push their agenda even further by declaring a national climate emergency. This is not about protecting the environment, it is about gaining more control and silencing any opposition.

But what is truly concerning is the potential consequences of such a declaration. With the government granted unprecedented power, it is not hard to imagine a future where our personal choices and freedoms are restricted in the name of saving the planet. This is the very definition of fascism, where the government has complete control over its citizens. And if history has taught us anything, it is that this kind of power always leads to abuse and oppression.

Moreover, the idea of a national climate emergency is based on questionable science. While it is important to take care of our planet, the idea that we are on the brink of an irreversible catastrophe is simply not supported by facts.

The climate has always been changing and will continue to do so, regardless of human intervention. And yet, the left wants us to believe that we must hand over our rights and freedoms to prevent a so-called "climate emergency". This is a dangerous manipulation and it is our duty as conservatives to speak out against it.

In addition, the declaration of a national climate emergency would have severe economic consequences. It would give the government the power to impose strict regulations on businesses and industries, leading to a decline in jobs and economic growth. This is especially harmful in the midst of a pandemic recovery. We cannot afford to cripple our economy in the name of a fabricated emergency.

It is clear that the potential declaration of a national climate emergency by President Biden is a threat to our democracy and personal freedoms. As conservatives, it is our duty to stand against this blatant power grab and defend our rights. We must not let fear and manipulation dictate our future. It is time to see through the left's agenda and protect our country from the rise of fascism.

What are YOUR thoughts on Biden’s actions?

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  1. How can the executive branch of the Government do this without the approval of the Legislative Branch? Congress would have to Grant that level of control and I just don’t see that happening.

    • He has followers, the numbers increasing daily as a result of his open border policy. All lack brain cells, and moral values. The result, our rapid decline to the level of the third world. Who built our nation to its greatness, certainly not what is currently invading and destroying our country.

  2. After listening to Biden going for the Democratic nomination I told people you really don’t want him as president. Already then he was having trouble getting out a sentence without studdering real bad. Top it off he has been caught in so many lies. With this emergency and if he steals another election run for cover and pray. The safe bet may be to sell everything and move to Europe

  3. Europeans have already surrendered their freedom. Look at Germany. Only real question is will we have another civil war between the red and blue states. Biden has implied he will use AF to suppress those who refuse to follow his orders. He apparently ignores the fact that both the VC and Afghans defeated us and at least part of our military will also revolt as it did in our first civil war. A civil war will destroy our country and other nations will certainly supply it for just that purpose. Future seems dim unless we vote the Democrats and their Hamas supporters out of our government in November. However looking at their violence generated in our colleges and universities it is unlikely they will go willingly if they loose the election.


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